Government Services
WANSat is enabling the government of Guyana to create a National Broadband Network (NBN); a high-speed broadband network that is designed to reach 100 percent of citizens in the country to offer government and social services.
A National Broadband Network (NBN)
Like electricity, broadband (Internet access) is rapidly becoming a necessary service for many citizens. The NBN is required to help boost Guyana’s economy and to bridge the digital divide that plagues Guyana and other developing countries. The coronavirus pandemic has uncovered the stark digital divide still existing in our world today, especially in developing countries.
The WANSat NBN connects households and small businesses to the government and other institutions on a national network. It allows hospitals, schools, universities, and governments facilities to deliver applications and services to people in their homes, making these services less limited by distance. WANSat’s connectivity results in increased efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector through better broadband connectivity, providing services such as licensing & registrations, shared records, etc. This connectivity also creates more synergies between local and national governments, including law enforcement. Healthcare providers are able to diagnose, monitor and provide ongoing care to patients remotely; saving time and money for those who currently travel long distances to receive healthcare.

Reliable Broadband Connectivity for Government Organizations
Many of the issues that government agencies confront as they attempt to enhance efficiency and engage their public more effectively are addressed through reliable Internet connectivity. WANSat’s service is less susceptible to interruption caused by human mistakes or natural disasters. Our service enables government and military communications on land, air, and sea. Satellite broadband is ideal for ubiquitous connectivity for surveillance missions, including UAV beyond line-of-sight (BLOS) communications. We facilitate seamless disaster recovery and search and rescue (SAR) communications anywhere in Guyana’s mainland and territorial waters.
For on-the-go activities, WANSat offers easily deployable manpack terminals to support remote government officials’ communications and military expeditions.